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Racial Equity Resources

Photo by Lorie Shaull – The George Floyd mural in Minneapolis is the work of artists Xena Goldman, Cadex Herrera, and Greta McLain with the help of artists Niko Alexander and Pablo Hernandez.

Resources and support for addressing health disparities for children and families of color

Our mission is to support the health and well-being of all families. We stand with Black, Indigenous, and all communities of color, and oppose racism in all its forms. We seek to promote anti-racist beliefs, programs, and policies. We are committed to working to end injustice so that all children can feel safe and free to dream.

This page contains resources for parents, educators, and providers to address and overcome racial injustice and health disparities in health and education services.

The UC Davis office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion also features a page of Resources for Racial Trauma here, and from UC Davis pediatrician Mikah Owen here.

Watch the 2-Part Sesame Street Town Hall on Racism here

Resources on Racial Injustice by Age

Downloadable PDF

Zero to Three – State of Babies Yearbook

Video – The State of Babies Yearbook: 2020 digs into data disaggregated by race, income, and geographic settings to outline disparities where states need to improve support for our nation’s babies and families. Join as ZERO TO THREE Chief Policy Officer, Myra Jones-Taylor, and CEO of Robin Hood, Wes Moore, discuss the 2020 data and how we can work together to address racism underlying many of these challenges and help babies achieve their full potential.

Parenting in Support of Black Lives: How to Build a Just Future for Kids

Video – Conversation between Dr. Ibram X. Kendi and Dr. Allison Briscoe-Smith, examining the complexities of racism and systemic injustice and having these difficult conversations with children, while empowering them to change society as they grow. Moderated by Julie Lythcott-Haims, the author behind the critically-acclaimed and award-winning memoir Real American, a book about growing up Black and biracial in white spaces. Dr. Kendi is a New York Times best-selling author, an acclaimed academic and a leading voice on racial justice in America. His newest work is a children’s book titled Antiracist Baby which introduces complicated topics like power, racial disparity and antiracism for readers of all ages. Dr. Briscoe-Smith is a child psychologist and the director of diversity, equity and inclusion with the Wright Institute Clinical Program. Together, these experts explain how we can help future generations understand the true meaning of equality and also give them the tools necessary to fight for it.

Resources to Support Children’s Emotional Well-Being Amid Anti-Black Racism, Racial Violence, and Trauma

It is common for caregiving adults to wonder and worry about how they should talk to children about racism and racial trauma. In fact, research suggests that too few caregivers talk to children about race. However, research on racial identity development and anti-racism education offers useful guidance for having these conversations effectively. 

How to talk to kids about racism, protests and injustice

By Meghan Holohan – For many parents, talking to their children about the nationwide protests following the death of George Floyd may seem daunting. Racismpolice brutality and civil disobedience are big topics that some parents might feel afraid to broach. Yet experts say it is essential to address them.

Racism and Violence: Using Your Power as a Parent to Support Children Aged Two to Five

By Rebecca Parlakian – Available in English and En español  – This resource provides thoughts and guidelines for talking about the complex issues of racism and equality in age-appropriate ways with children aged two to five years of age.

Toolkit: Healing in the Face of Cultural Trauma

This PDF is one of many wonderful resources by and for Black people, shared by Sacramento-based Safe Black Space on their Resources page (available here).

Toolkit for Teams: from Racial Equity Alliance

The Government Alliance on Race & Equity has a number of great resources for teams at workplaces and schools to utilize in the working towards racial equity, including a Communication Toolkit.

Racial Equity Tools for Children & Families

From Racial Equity Tools – A thorough source of data, research, resources and practices

Alliance for Racial Equity in Child Welfare

From the Center for the Study of Social Policy – The Alliance boldly identifies policies and practices (both intended and unintended) that harm children and families of color and promote anti-racist intersectional policies that will result in better outcomes for children and families of color.

Exploring the Overlooked Role of Culture in Helping Kids of Color Succeed

From the Annie E. Casey Foundation – The case study, Considering Culture, is rooted in two findings: 1) that the traditions, social practices and pervading mentalities of communities of color are very different than in predominantly white communities; and 2) that children of color face tougher odds and experience fewer gains than their white counterparts at every step — from birth to adulthood.
Despite these well-documented differences, there are very few evidence-based programs intentionally geared toward communities of color, according to Considering Culture, which is the fourth installment in a five-part Race for Results case study series.

Race Equity and Inclusion Action Guide

From the Annie E. Casey Foundation – Advancing race equity and inclusion can sometimes seem daunting and often leaves many wondering how and where to start. One way to achieve social change in an organization is to incorporate race equity and inclusion at every stage of work. The seven steps in this guide provide a clear framework for undertaking this important work. This tool adds to the resources already created by partners who have been working in the field. It works by demonstrating how a race equity lens can be adopted by foundations or other organizations that work directly with systems, technical assistance providers and communities.

Young Learners, Missed Opportunities

From The Education Trust – High-quality early childhood education (ECE) is important to the rapid development that happens in the first five years of a child’s life and has long-lasting benefits well into adulthood. But many children, largely Black and Latino, are not given access to nor are being served by high-quality, state-funded ECE programs, according to our first-of-its-kind analysis. In Young Learners, Missed Opportunities: Ensuring That Black and Latino Children Have Access to High-Quality State-Funded Preschool, researchers sought to answer two questions: 1. Do Black and Latino students get access to these programs? 2. And are these programs high-quality?

Race for Results: Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children

In this KIDS COUNT policy report, the Foundation explores the intersection of kids, race and opportunity. The report features the new Race for Results Index, which compares how children are progressing on key milestones across racial and ethnic groups at the national and state levels. The index is based on 12 indicators that measure a child’s success in each stage of life, from birth to adulthood. The indicators were chosen based on the goal that all children should grow up in economically successful families, live in supportive communities and meet developmental, health and educational milestones. The report also makes four policy recommendations to help ensure that all children and their families realize their full potential.

Counsel or Criminalize? Why Students of Color Need Supports, Not Suspensions

The Center for American Progress recommends the following:
• Prioritize funding for school-based counseling and mental health programs.
• Develop culturally responsive policies for emotional and behavioral supports.
• Implement a restorative—not punitive—approach to school discipline.

inSIGHT: A Workshop on Implicit Racial Bias for Child Protection Workers

From the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity & The Center for the Study of Social Policy – This curriculum combines a series of online, digital modules with an in-person training tailored to the needs of specific child protection agencies. The digital modules are designed to provide an introduction to implicit racial bias; the tailored in-person training is designed by expert facilitators based on the needs of individual jurisdictions. 

Mental Health Issues Facing the Black Community

Resources from Sunshine Behavioral Health