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PCIT Research

Borrego, Jr., J., Anhalt, K., Terao, S. Y., Vargas, E. C., Urquiza, A. J. (2006).  Parent-child interaction therapy with a spanish-speaking family.  Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 13, 121-133.  See Attached PDF

Borrego, Jr., J., Timmer, S.G., Urquiza, A.J., & Follette, W.C. (2004).  Physically abusive mothers’ responses following episodes of child noncompliance and compliance.  Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 72(5), 897-903. See Attached PDF

Borrego, Jr., J., & Urquiza, A. J. (1998).  Importance of therapist use of social reinforcement with parents as a model for parent-child relationships: An example with Parent-Child Interaction Therapy.  Child and Family Behavior Therapy, 20, 27-54.

Borrego, Jr., J., Urquiza, A. J., Rasmussen, R., & Zebell, N. (1999).  Parent-child interaction therapy with a family at high risk for physical abuse.  Child Maltreatment, 4, 331-342. See Attached PDF

Dombrowski, S.C., Timmer, S.G, Blacker, D.B., & Urquiza, A.J. (2005).  A positive behavioural intervention for toddlers: Parent-Child Attunement Therapy.  Child Abuse Review, 14, 132-151. See Attached PDF

McNeil, C. B., & Hembree-Kigin, T. L. (2011). Parent-child interaction therapy. New York: Springer.

Paravicini, S. F. (2000).  Parent-child attunement therapy: Development of a program for children one to three years old.  Dissertation Abstracts International, 60(9), 4901. (University Microfilms No. AAI9945876).

Shinn, M. M. (2013).  Parent-Child Interaction Therapy With a Deaf and Hard of Hearing Family.  Clinical Case Studies, XX(X), 1-17.  See Attached PDF

Singer, V. A. (2000).  Improved language skills as a byproduct of parent-child interaction therapy with behavior problem children at risk for childhood physical abuse.  Dissertation Abstracts International, 60(12), 6384. (University Microfilms No. AAI9955010).

Solomon, M., Ono, M., Timmer, S., Goodlin-Jones, B. (2008).  The effectiveness of parent-child interaction therapy for families of children on the autism spectrum.  Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38: 1767-1776.  See Attached PDF

Terao, S.Y, Borrego, Jr., J., & Urquiza, A.J. (2001).  A reporting and response model for culture and child maltreatment.  Child Maltreatment, 6(2), 158-168. See Attached PDF

Terao, S. Y. (1999).  Treatment effectiveness of parent-child interaction therapy with physically abusive parent-child dyads.  Dissertation Abstracts International, 60(4), 1874. (University Microfilms No. AEH9926083).

Timmer, S., Borrego, J., & Urquiza, A. J. (2002).  Antecedents of coercive interactions in physically abusive mother-child dyads.  Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 17, 836-853. See Attached PDF

Timmer, S. G., Ho, L. K. L., Urquiza, A. J., Zebell, N. M., Fernandez y Garcia, E., Boys, D. (2011).  The effectiveness of parent-child interaction therapy with depressive mothers: The changing relationship as the agent of individual change.  Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 42: 406-423.  See Attached PDF

Timmer, S. G., Sedlar, G., & Urquiza, A. J. (2004).  Challenging children in kin versus nonkin foster care: Perceived costs and benefits to caregivers.  Child Maltreatment, 9(3), 251-262. See Attached PDF

Timmer, S. G., & Urquiza, A. J. (2014). Empirically Based Treatments for Maltreated Children:  A Developmental Perspective.  In S. G. Timmer & A. J. Urquiza (Eds.), Evidence-Based Approaches for the Treatment of Maltreated Children (pp. 351-376).  Springer Netherlands.  See Attached PDF

Timmer, S. G., Urquiza, A. J., Herschell, A. D., McGrath, J. M., Zebell, N. M., Porter, A. L., Vargas, E. C. (2006).  Parent-child interaction therapy: Application of an empirically supported treatment to maltreated children in foster care.  Child Welfare, 85, 6: 919.  See Attached PDF

Timmer, S. G., Urquiza, A. J., Zebell, N. (2006).  Challenging foster caregiver-maltreated child relationships: The effectiveness of parent-child interaction therapy.  Children and Youth Services Review, 28 (2006) 1-19.  See Attached PDF

Timmer, S.G., Urquiza, A.J., Zebell, N.M., & McGrath, J.M. (2005).  Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: Application to maltreating parent-child dyads.  Child Abuse & Neglect, 29, 825-842. See Attached PDF

Timmer, S. G., Ware, L. M., Urquiza, A. J., Zebell, N. M. (2010).  The effectiveness of parent-child interaction therapy for victims of interparental violence.  Violence and Victims, 25: 4.  See Attached PDF

Timmer, S. G., Zebell, N. M., Culver, M. A., Urquiza, A. J. (2009).  Efficacy of adjunct in-home coaching to improve outcomes in parent child interaction therapy.  Research on Social Work Practice, 20; 36.  See Attached PDF

Urquiza, A. J., & McNeil, C. B.: (1996).  Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: An intensive dyadic intervention for physically abusive families.  Child Maltreatment, 1, 134-144. See Attached PDF

Urquiza, A. J. & Timmer, S. G. (2002).  Patterns of interaction within violent families: Use of social interaction research methodology.  Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 17, 824-835. See Attached PDF

Urquiza, A. J. & Timmer, S. G. (2014).  Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Maltreated Children.  In S. G. Timmer & A. J. Urquiza (Eds.), Evidence-Based Approaches for the Treatment of Maltreated Children (pp. 123-144).  Springer Netherlands.  See Attached PDF